EDEN Recommends – 30th Anniversary Updates!

Dear Members, Partners and Friends,

2021, EDEN’s 30th Anniversary year is special to all of us on so many levels. Not only are we embracing our traditional values for three decades, but at the same time seeking out our community’s future endeavours and directions in the field of distance and e-learning in the hopefully not so far, post-pandemic “new normal”. As noted in our 2020 webinar series #covid19 #onlinetogether Education in time of a pandemic and Education in time of a new normal, fully online teaching on a global scale is unprecedented in the history of education. EDEN’s resilience and the continuous efforts of our members have brought us all to this point when we can have a more significant impact as ever on distance and e-learning in these challenging times.
The official EDEN30 website has been set up and announced already. Nevertheless, the webpage is continuously enriched and upgraded, extended with a substantial, meaningful content (history, projects, events, awards, photo galleries, member testimonials etc.), including your warmly welcomed input to show the real power of our community and its 30 years of history. 

Visit the EDEN30 website here

Message from our President,
Sandra Kučina Softić 

EDEN’s motto is “smart network for the professional community and professional community for smart learning” – and I believe we have justified it! For 30 years, EDEN has had a strong presence in the international education area by providing space for collaboration and networking for academic professionals and everybody interested in education. Read more…

Message from our Secretary General,
Dr Andras Szucs

“We’re living through the most challenging and exciting times in Europe and in our own field” – EDEN President Professor Antonio Teixeira wrote in his introduction to the volume published in 2016, on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary Year of EDEN and continued: “I believe EDEN is well prepared to support our community in exploring the emerging opportunities. Most surely, the best of EDEN is yet to come”. Read more…


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Share your story!

Do you have an inspiring story of EDEN to tell? We invite all of you to send, upload, share your memories, experiences, memorable moments, including  your reflections, comments and ideas to EDEN throughout the anniversary year on the EDEN30 website. You can upload your story and/or photo HERE.