2019 Dublin PhD Symposium

Part of the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning

3 November 2019

Doctoral Research Symposium

The Doctoral Research Symposium was offered in partnership with Dublin City University (DCU) and the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN). It took place on Sunday 3rd November at DCU’s St Patrick’s Campus. The Symposium provided a unique opportunity for current and prospective doctoral students to share their research interests and engage with experienced researchers in the area. This was an interactive event designed to explore some of the major research themes, problems and issues facing today’s educators in the digital-era. As part of the Doctoral Research Symposium participants had the opportunity to hear lessons from other doctoral candidates, learn more about mentoring opportunities for doctoral students, and meet several editors of leading publications in the field.

To Read or Not to Read? 
Writing workshop
Karen Buckley TEU@NIDL – DCU

3Cs of Publishing: Collaboration, Contribution and Cohesion
Dr. Dietmar Kennepohl – IRRODL
Professor. Rory McGreal – IRRODL
Professor. Airina Volungeviciene – ETHE
Professor. Inés Gil-Jaurena – Open Praxis

Bringing Method to your Madness Clinic
Conchúr Mac Lochlainn The Ideas Lab@NIDL
Dr. James Brunton Open Education@NIDL
Professor Albert Sangra@EDEN
Dr. Sandra Kucina@EDEN
Dr. Antonella Poce@EDEN

Finding the nugget and planting the seed – Present your Findings and cultivate your academic identity
Dr. Orna Farrell OpenEd@NIDL: DCU
Professor Josep Duart – EDEN
Professor Airina Volungeviciene – EDEN