Projects presenting within the Synergy Strand

The Synergy Strand in Zagreb will facilitate the sharing of project outputs and research findings, offer the participants platform to develop new ideas and plans, to create new partnerships by engaging the conference audience in highly interactive working group activities during parallel sessions.

EU projects and practices – that display thematic cross sections with the Conference Themes – were invited to introduce themselves during the conference’s Synergy Strand. The list of the short introductions of these initiatives is available here and will also be published in the Creative Commons licensed Book of Projects. This page serves both as a dissemination vehicle for the showcased projects, as well as a collection of resources to help the participants to prepare for the collaboration activities carried out during the conference dates.

See what happens at the Synergy sessions here.

Overview of Synergy Sessions



while($myRow = mysql_fetch_array($resultOfProjectSelect))
$id = $myRow[“id”];
$acronym = $myRow[“acronym”];
$about = str_replace(“\r\n”,”
$url = $myRow[“url”];
$http_pos = strpos($url, “http://”);
if($http_pos === false)
$http_pos = strpos($url, “https://”);
if($http_pos === false)
$url = “http://”.$url;
$proj_themes = $myRow[“proj_themes”];

$proj_themes_msg = “”;
$themesSelect = “SELECT id, abrev FROM themes WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY id ASC”;
$resultOfThemesSelect = mysql_query($themesSelect,$dbSynergy);
while($myRow = mysql_fetch_array($resultOfThemesSelect))
if($proj_themes % $myRow[“id”] == 0)
$proj_themes_msg .= $myRow[“abrev”].”, “;
$proj_themes_msg = rtrim($proj_themes_msg,”, “);

“.$acronym.”   more…




