Mark Brown

Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University, Ireland

Mark Brown

Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University, Ireland


Professor Brown is Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) based at Dublin City University (DCU). Before taking up this position and Ireland’s first Chair in Digital Learning in February of 2014, he was previously Director of the National Centre for Teaching and Learning at Massey University in New Zealand. At Massey he was also Director of the Distance Education and Learning Futures Alliance (DELFA).

Over the last decade he has played key leadership roles in the implementation of several major university-wide digital learning and teaching initiatives, including the enterprise wide deployment of Moodle, the original design and development of the Mahara e-portfolio system, and the university-wide implementation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform [Open2Study].

Professor Brown’s main research interests are in Higher Education and in particular the areas of policy development, the societal benefits of university-level education, teaching and learning development, online, blended and digital learning, student success and engagement, and the nature of the student learning experience. He serves on several international journal editorial boards and has published extensively in the areas of online, blended and digital learning. In total, he has produced overly 300 scholarly publications and presentations.

He was President of the New Zealand Association for Open, Flexible and Distance Learning (DEANZ) prior to his arrival at DCU, and was until recently Treasurer and an executive committee member of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ascilite). Ascilite is the peak professional body for digital learning in Australia and New Zealand. He is a recipient of a National Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching and remains a member of the New Zealand Academy of Tertiary Teaching Excellence. He currently chairs the Innovation in Teaching and Learning Steering Committee for the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU).