PLEIADE Satellite Events 2022

PLEIADE is an Erasmus Plus KA201 project addressing the inclusion of children with cultural, linguistic and socio-economic disadvantages in our schools.

PLEIADE consortium is promoting a series of public ‘satellite’ events started in December 2021 and ending in March 2022.
Through this multilingual series of events, teachers can deepen their knowledge in inclusive education according to their specific interests and the needs of their schools.

Listening to student voices on cultural diversity: a strategy to promote interculturalism in schools

15 February 2022 14:30 CET 15:30 EET
Language: English
Speaker: Christina Hadjisoteriou, University of Nicosia

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Research on student voice suggests that children’s perspectives are important in the efforts to promote equal education opportunities to culturally-diverse student population. Despite the increased attention student voice has received, children’s critiques and reflections of their socio-educational experiences are usually ignored by their schools. This aims to reflect on how student voice could support intercultural efforts in schools by investigating the ways in which immigrant and native children in primary schools perceive cultural diversity and its implications on their daily lives. This research can be very informative for the formation of future policies, practices, and teaching methodologies in culturally-diverse schools.

Games and Gamification for Inclusion

24 February 2022 14:30 CET 15:30 EET
Language: English
Speakers: Marcello Passarelli and Francesca Dagnino, CNR-ITD

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Game-based learning (GBL) and gamification advantages and drawbacks for learning and motivation have been widely explored in the literature. These methods also hold potential for the promotion of social inclusion among students. In this webinar we will firstly introduce participants to the topic; afterwards, we will explore the aspects that make GBL and gamification valuable for inclusive purposes and we will discuss possible pitfalls so as to foster an informed use of them. Some specific examples of use will be also explored.

Il ruolo delle tecnologie per una scuola inclusiva e partecipativa
The role of technology for inclusive and participative schools

1 March 2022 14:30 CET 15:30 EET
Language: Italian
Speaker: Vincenza Benigno, CNR-ITD

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Nell’ambito del seminario, dopo aver concettualizzato il tema dell’inclusione
scolastica secondo la prospettiva del modello biopsicosociale dell’ICF (International
Classification of Functioning) (OMS, 2002)), si farà riferimento ad alcune criticità
emerse nel contesto nazionale relativamente al fenomeno del “push and pull out”
(Ianes e Demo, 2015), evidenziando come sono sempre più frequenti forme
diversificate di microesclusione degli studenti con disabilità nel contesto scolastico.
In particolare, sarà data enfasi ai differenti ruoli svolti dalle tecnologiche come
strumenti capaci di facilitare l’inclusione e la partecipazione attiva alla vita sociale e
didattica di tutti gli studenti che sono in situazioni di difficoltà (OMS, 2002; ISTAT,

Le tecnologie mediando la relazione tra la persona e l’ambiente possono avere una
funzione compensativa/abilitante, finalizzata a rendere gli studenti “abili
supportandoli nel superamento di difficoltà fisiche e/o sensoriali, ma anche
partecipativa per garantire la loro presenza in un contesto sociale di apprendimento
(Benigno, Ferlino e Trentin, 2019).

Infine, saranno riportati i principali risultati di una sperimentazione, svoltasi in seno
al progetto CLIPSO (Classi Ibride Per la Scuola in Ospedale), relativa
all’implementazione di una classe ibrida per studenti che non possono frequentare
la scuola per motivi di salute.


The recordings of previous PLEIADE Satellite Events are publicly provided under the Creative Common licence Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Italy (CC BY-NC 2.0 IT). To access the recordings, follow this link.

What comes next?

The activities that are being designed in the BTAs will be enacted in the teachers’ classrooms to foster social inclusion of disadvantaged children from February 2022 to March 2023. A selection of these activities will be published Open Access.

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