Workshop Scope

EDEN is pleased to announce it’s Seventh Research Workshop organised in collaboration with KU Leuven.

This year’s Workshop Scope reflects on how are students driving teachers, instructors in the fields where new learning technologies play important role.

The main focal point of this year’s Research Workshop is how does instruction work, where borders between physical and virtual learning environments disappear, where roles of students and teachers have changed, where new pedagogical paradigms and didactic approaches are introduced.

A distinctive conference, with envisaged strong involvement of the students from the Leuven University and students from learners from European universities, EDEN member institutions.

Student-centred learning is high on the agenda. Still, there are contexts of mass higher education which represent a real challenge to student-centred approaches, even with the support of ICT.

Let’s challenge and ask the learners – Sessions for collaborative group work:

  • What are the learning strategies used in your institutions with respect to the use of information technologies  in university studies?
  • Which are the tools that you use in your online studies?
  • Which tools would you like to use?  – How would you like to improve your studies?

Innovative Workshop Format: “Teach as you preach”

  • Creative conferencing environment
  • Student inclusion  and ‘Market’ model: non-linear programming of presentations. The market will include a work space, a ‘connect-lounge’ for students and teachers, poster sessions…
  • The ‘Learning Experience Hall’ as Conference Agora and space for sharing with stands and ‘zones’ (brainstorming corner; café…)

Find out more on the Workshop Themes and on the details of the Call for Contributions.