Widget gallery

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Choose the features you want to add to your page by dragging them from the Widget gallery on the right, to any of the three widget areas below, and position them where you would like them to appear.

To remove a widget drag it back to the Widget gallery.

Profile box

(Fixed position on page)

Right widgets

Left widgets

Middle widgets



Address: str.Universitatii nr.1, Departamentul de Management, Building F, Room 303

City: Oradea


Contact emailatomescu@uoradea.ro, ada.mirela.tomescu@gmail.com

Institution websitewww.uoradea.ro, http://iduoradea.ro/edid/

My EDEN portfolio

Membership type

Membership starting date: 2004.06.16

Conference presentations

Naples 2007 - Distance Learning in Romania – Case Study on University of Oradea

EDEN NAP profile

Position, Work experience

Currently I am full professor teaching Quality Managment.

Also I have experience and how-know with e-learning and Adult Education, beside of academic administration =

2004-2010 I was the Director of Distance Learning Department in University of Oradea/ ROMANIA

Enrolled over 2000 students yearly.

Budget of Department: 800.000 euro/year.

Faculties Staff: 90.

Area of expertise and field of interest (general), , ,

Area of expertise and field of interest (education and training), , , , ,

Communication services

My presence on LinkedInhttp://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=10826663&trk=tab_pro

I share with Nap my favourites (links, wikis, blogs, resources, videos, podcast, etc.)
