Widget gallery

Add widgets to your page

Choose the features you want to add to your page by dragging them from the Widget gallery on the right, to any of the three widget areas below, and position them where you would like them to appear.

To remove a widget drag it back to the Widget gallery.

Profile box

(Fixed position on page)

Right widgets

Left widgets

Middle widgets



Address: Walton Hall

City: Milton Keynes


Contact emaila.w.tait@open.ac.uk

Institution websitewww.open.ac.uk

My EDEN portfolio

Membership type

Membership starting date: 1997.01.01

Conference attendances

Bologna 1998, Hildesheim 2002, Granada 2002, Rhodes 2003, Oldenburg 2004, Budapest 2004, Helsinki 2005, Vienna 2006, Barcelona 2006, Naples 2007, Stockholm 2007, Lisbon 2008, Paris 2008, Gdansk 2009, Porto 2009

EC member: 2002-2010

EC President: 2007-2010

NAP SC Member: 1995-1999, 2002-2008

Eurodl Board Member: Chief Editor

Conference Committee member

2009 Gdansk, 2008 Lisbon, 2008 Paris, 2007 Naples, 2006 Vienna, 2006 Barcelona, 2005 Helsinki, 2004 Budapest, 2004 Oldenburg, 2003 Rhodes, 2002 Hildesheim

Keynote/invited speaker

2004 Oldenburg

Communication services

I share with Nap my favourites (links, wikis, blogs, resources, videos, podcast, etc.)

My EDEN blog