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Address: Via Daniele Manin 53 - 00184

City: Roma


Contact emailantonella.poce@uniroma3.it

Institution websitehttp://lps.uniroma3.it

Own websitehttp://lps.uniroma3.it/antonella-poce/

My EDEN portfolio

Membership type

Membership starting date: 2009

Conference attendances

Annual EDEN Conference, Innovation in Learning Communities, Gdansk, 10- 13 June, 2009.

EDEN Annual Conference, Media Inspirations for Learning. What makes the impact?  Valencia (SP), 9-12 June 2010.

EDEN Annual Conference, Learning and Sustainability The New Ecosystem of Innovation and Knowledge, Dublin (IE), 20-22 June 2011.

EDEN Annual Conference, Open Learning Generations, Porto ( P ), 6-9 June 2012.

EDEN Annual Conference, The Joy of Learning, Oslo (FL), 12-15 June 2013 (Online).

Eden Synergy Workshop, Transnational Learning Forum for exchanging practices and ideas, Budapest- 20 October 2013 (online).

EDEN Annual Conference, E-learning at Work and the Workplace. From Education to Employment and Meaningful Work with ICTs, Zagreb (HR), 10-13 June 2014.

EDEN Research Workshop, Challenges for Research into Open and Distance Learning, Oxford (UK), 27-28 October 2014.

EDEN Annual Conference, Expanding Learning Scenarios, Barcelona (SP), 9-12 June 2015.

EDEN Open Classroom, Open Discovery Space: Transforming schools into innovative learning organisations, Athens (GR), 18-21 September, 2015.

EDEN Annual Conference 2016, Reimagining Learning Environments, EDEN, Budapest (HU), 14-17 June 2016. (Selected among the top best five papers presented).

9th EDEN Research Workshop, Oldenburg (GE), 4-6 October 2016.

Conference presentations

Poce A., “Developing Creativity at Higher Education. Is it Possible to Assess it?”, presented at the Annual EDEN Conference, Innovation in Learning Communities, Gdansk, 10- 13 June, 2009. Selected for Best Research Paper Award.

Poce A., “The impact of online learning use of the language. Analyses carried out at Roma Tre University.” EDEN Annual Conference, Media Inspirations for Learning. What makes the impact?  Valencia (SP), 9-12 June 2010.

Poce A., Corcione L., “Podcasting a tool for sustainable online learning environments. Experimental analysis of the new opportunities”. EDEN Annual Conference, Learning and Sustainability The New Ecosystem of Innovation and Knowledge, Dublin (IE), 20-22 June 2011.

Poce A., L. Corcione, A. Iovine, “Lifelong Learning and the Development of a Critical Technology in Higher Education”, EDEN Annual Conference, Open Learning Generations, Porto ( P ), 6-9 June 2012.

Poce A., A. Iovine, “Online Cooperative Writing as Critical Thinking Enhancer. An experimental Experience”, EDEN Annual Conference, The Joy of Learning, Oslo (FL), 12-15 June 2013 (Online).

Poce A. “I-CriTech- How to build an interactive critical technology" - Eden Synergy Workshop, Transnational Learning Forum for exchanging practices and ideas, Budapest- 20 October 2013 (online).

Poce A. “A MOOC for Entrepreneurship Education, Adopting a Critical Technology.”, EDEN Annual Conference, E-learning at Work and the Workplace. From Education to Employment and Meaningful Work with ICTs, Zagreb (HR), 10-13 June 2014.

Poce A. “Developing Critical Perspectives on Technology in Education: A Tool for MOOC evaluation”, EDEN Research Workshop, Challenges for Research into Open and Distance Learning, Oxford (UK), 27-28 October 2014, selected among the Best Papers presented.

Poce A., F. Agrusti, “Measuring a Critical Impact on Technology in Education: A Tool for OERs Evaluation”, EDEN Annual Conference, Expanding Learning Scenarios, Barcelona (SP), 9-12 June 2015.

POCE A, “Technology traces on children handwriting”, EDEN Open Classroom, Open Discovery Space: Transforming schools into innovative learning organisations, Athens (GR), 18-21 September, 2015.

POCE A., F.Agrusti e M.R. Re “Pen or keyboard- An empirical study on the effects of technology on writing skills” in Texeira A. et al. eds., EDEN 2016, Reimagining Learning Environments, EDEN, Budapest (HU), 14-17 June 2016. (Selected among the top best five papers presented).

POCE A., F.Agrusti, M.R. Re, “Teaching Science Through Technology and Creativity in Innovative Learning Environments”, 9th EDEN Research Workshop, Oldenburg (GE), 4-6 October 2016.

Eurodl presence

Poce A. (2015), “Developing Critical Perspectives on Technology in Education: A Tool for MOOC Evaluation”, in EURODL, European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning, The Best Research Papers presented at the 2014 EDEN 8th Research Workshop, ed. by U. Bernath and A. Szucs, Published by EDEN, pp. 51-62. ISSN 1027-5207.

NAP SC Member: since 2012

EDEN Fellowship: 2016

EDEN NAP profile

Position, Work experience

Present occupation

Associate Professor in experimental pedagogy at Department for Education (once DIPED – Department for educational design – Faculty of Education) - University Roma Tre since 2016.

Qualified as Associate Professor January 2014 after national competition

Teaching Activity

She is responsible for and teaches the following modules at the Department for Education - Università Roma Tre:

·       Research Methodology in Education (4 ECTS Master degree in Pedagogical Sciences)

·       Methodology of Writing the Master level final dissertation (4 ECTS Master degree in Pedagogical Sciences)

·       Experimentation, museum and reading comprehension (Master Degree in Pedagogical Sciences - 3 of the 12 ECTS foreseen for the course)

·       Assessment and Measurement in Education (9 ECTS – First Degree in Education)

·       Research Methodology in Education (6 ECTS Master degree in Educational Sciences for Primary School Teachers)

·       Writing Methods and Techniques in Education (9ECTS – First Degree in education)


She taught also the module How to write a grant proposal? Theory and good practice at the International Doctoral School “Culture, Éducation, Communication” based at the Department for Education - Università Roma Tre. The module was made up of 4 weekly meetings from 2010. The same module has been presented to the post graduate course “Master in Museum Studies” – University Roma Tre in April 2012 and will be held again in September 2013.

She is co-director of the post graduate II level “Master course in Standards for Museum Education” based at the Department for Education – Università Roma Tre.

She has been supporting the course of Experimental Pedagogy held by Professor Emma Nardi  since 2004/2005, managing in particular online modules.

She was author of the teaching materials of the courses in Experimental Pedagogy at DEC and EDU programmes active at Scuola Iad - Università di Tor Vergata – Roma.


Education and training, degres, academic qualifications

Graduate Education

Master degree course in Foreign Languages and Literatures  -Università degli Studi di Genova (IT)

Date: 23.11.1993                                                                                                                      

Mark: 110/110 con lode – Magna cum laude

Title of the final dissertation: Cabbalah and Occultism in Christopher Marlowe’s Work

Supervisor: Professor Goffredo Miglietta – English Literature

Languages: English and Spanish


Post Graduate Education

Post graduate scholarship from the Università degli Studi di Genova to carry out research work at the Warburg Institute (Woburn Square) – University of London.

Supervisors: Jill Kraye (University of London) and Goffredo Maglietta (Università degli studi di Genova).

Length: June 5th 1995 -June 4th  -1997.

Titles of the final dissertations: George Chapman and the School of Night; Atheism and the Elizabethan Poets.


PhD course in Innovation and Evaluation of Educational Systems - Università degli Studi di Roma Tre.

Length: November 2nd 2003 through November 2nd 2006 – PhD final dissertation discussion: March 30th 2007.

Title of the final dissertation: Innovation in Higher education Teaching. Three National Cases: Università Roma Tre, Universitée de Marne-la-Vallée, Nottingham University.

Title awarded: Doctor Philosophiae


Post-doctoral scholarship - Università degli Studi di Roma Tre

Title: Pedagogical models, methods and tools to assess distance learning impact at Higher Education level.

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Emma Nardi

Length: July 2nd 2007 - though July 2nd 2009 – Interrupted in December 2008 because enrolled as full time researcher of Experimental Pedagogy at the University Roma Tre – Department for Educational Project.

Personal skills (incl. languages) and additional information

Foreign languages skills

- English

 Certificate of Proficiency in English

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate – International Examinations

Dates: September 1994 – June 1995

Final Grade: Grade C

- French courses taken in the years 2000- 2002 at the Centro Culturale Francese Genova and Alliance Française Roma

- Spanish: 4 exams taken at University of Genoa - Foreign Languages and Literature course.


Professional qualification

Teacher of English Literature and Culture at Secondary School (1999)

Subject area: 5 (K05B) – national competition code A345 Foreign Language (English); A346  Foreign Language and Culture (English).

Date: National competition issued by the law 31.03.1999 to qualify and enrol teaching staff at secondary school.



2008 winner of the New Researcher Award 2008 - AEA Europe – Association for Educational Assessment.


Editorial board memberships

·       Cadmo, Giornale italiano di pedagogia sperimentale

·       International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning


Evaluation activity as appointed expert

·       MIUR Programme (Ministery for Education University and Research) Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation (D.D. n.391/Ric del 5/07/2012 e D.D. 415/Ric del 12/07/2012) as regards School and Welfare. First and second phase. Period: 2012/2015.

Memberships and International Activity

·       Member of Museum Education Centre Università Roma Tre since 2003.

·       Member of ICOM – International Council of Museums from 2010.

·       Council Board member of AEA_Europe (Association for Educational Assessment). Member of AEA_Europe (Association for Educational Assessment) since 2006. Within the Association she has been member of the Subcommittee for Professional Development from 2009 to 2012. In 2012 she has been elected as a council board member of the Association, in charge till 2016.

·       Member of EDEN – European Distance Education Network since 2009. From 2012 to 2014 she has been NAP Steering Committee Advisor Member. In 2014 She has been elected as Actual Member of the same Steering Committee.

·       Visiting scholar in August 2010 at University of California Berkeley (CA, USA) to carry out research work on the use of language in online teaching and learning environments.

·       Within the Erasmus exchange programme she held courses on European fund raising activities at the Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning - University College of London – UCL (April 2011).  

Area of expertise and field of interest (general), , , , ,

Area of expertise and field of interest (education and training), , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Participation in Research Projects

·       CRITHINKEDU Critical Thinking Across the European Higher Education Erasmus Plus

Partners: CRITHINKEDU Coordinator: Universidade de Trás-Os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal), (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - Spain, Università Roma TRE - Italy, University of Western Macedonia - Greece, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly (Greece), University College of Dublin - Ireland, Katholike Universiteit Leuven - Belgium, UC Leuven- Belgium, Siuola Ikiniu didaktiku Centras – Lithuania, Visoka Skola Ekonomica – Czech republic, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania) see more at: http://crithinkedu.utad.pt/en/our-team/.

Duration: 36 months - 2016-2019.


·       DICHE - Digital Innovation in Cultural and Heritage Education in the light of 21st Century Learning Marnix Academie, Utrecht (NL)

Partners: Marnix Academy (NL, coordinator), Stiching Landschap Erfgoed Utrecht (NL), ATIT BVBA (Belgium), Loughborough University (UK), Coopculture (IT), Università Roma TRE (IT).

Duration: 30 months - 2015-2018


·       EURODUALEEuropean Cooperative Framework for Dual Learning

Partners: Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (IT, Coordinatore), Associazione Sophia R&I (IT), Fondazione Adapt (IT), Camera di Commercio Italo- Germanica (AHK), Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (IT), Università degli Studi di Padova (IT), Università degli Studi di Roma TRE (IT),  Otto Von Guericke Universitaet Magdeburg (De), European Foundation for Education (De), University of Southampton (UK), Universidad de Sevilla (SP), Cofora International Projects (NL), UC Leuven (BE).

Duration: 36 months, 2015-2018

·       LIBE – LLP 543058 – LLP-1-2013 – Supporting Lifelong Learning with Inquiry based Education. The project aims at designing, developing and try out, in 3 different countries in Europe (Italy, Portugal, Norway), an innovative e-learning management system devoted: - to develop key information processing skills for ICT (literacy, numeracy and problem solving), with an inquiry-based approach to learning, in low educational achievers aged 16-24 (Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci); to produce a high level of personalization in learning, based on: a) automated computer-based assessment (CBA) and computer adaptive testing (CAT), b) an innovative way of delivering learning materials, through automated texts modulation, to reduce reading comprehension difficulties. Partners:  LPS – Università degli Studi Roma Tre (capofila); Lillehammer University College (Norvegia); University of Twente (Paesi Bassi); Birkbeck Unversity of London (Regno Unito); Faculdade de Psicologìa e de Ciências da Educação Universidade do Porto (Portogallo). Length: 2014-2016

·       EMEE – Eurovision Museums Exhibiting Europe. Financed under the EU Culture Programme, this four-year project started in November 2012 and aims at promoting a change of perspective (from a local to transnational perspective) in the approach to museum objects. This will be done also by involving “difficult” categories, i.e. the so-called non visitors.

Partners: University of Augsburg, Germany (coordinatore); Atelier Bruckne (Germany); National Museum of History, Bulgaria; Université Paris Est Créteil (France); Museu Nacional de Arquelogia (Portugal); National Museum of Contemporary History (Slovenia); Kunsterverein Monochrom (Austria).

Tasks: research group member.

Length: 2012-2016.


·       FIRB Project (National Investment Fund on Fundamental Research – Ministry for Education, University and Research) Am-learning. The Am-learning project aims at introducing innovative elements into the existing learning models, the teaching strategies and the technological tools for e-learning environments.

Objectives: adapt messages to the recipients’ learning needs; find solutions for the assessment of reading comprehension skills before and during the learning process; find solutions for the formulation of messages adapted to the learners’ profile; define processes for adjusting the learning proposal in order to fill the gap between the necessary verbal skills to understand the learning message and the learners’ real skills.

Partners: DIPED – University Roma Tre (Coordinator): Università la Sapienza Faculty of Medical Sciences; Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia – Faculty of Education

Tasks: study of the theoretical framework of the project. Scientific coordination of the external experts contribution. Reporting.

Length: 2009-2014


·     DiPED (Department for Educational Project) departmental project: Contributions to the definition of an interdisciplinary critical technology

Objectives. This project is a follow up of the previous one, carried out with the Faculty of Education – University Roma Tre. It is under development and involves again students from the Faculty of Education – University Roma Tre, but also groups of students from Medical Sciences - Faculty of Medical Studies – Università La Sapienza (Roma, IT) and the Faculty of Engineering – University of Salento (Lecce, IT).

Research group: Benedetto Vertecchi, Antonella Poce, Francesco Agrusti, Annalisa Iovine.

Tasks: coordinator.

Length: 2012 - 2013

·     DiPED (Department for Educational Project) departmental project: Contributions to the definition of a critical technology

Objectives. Main aim of the project is that of enhancing the development of critical thinking skills in higher education students, through the development of cultural insights carried out online. The hypothesis to be verified concerns the possibility of offering spaces for deepening, designed in a way to represent stable architectures, which could fill in certain cultural gaps which affect contemporary university students, helping the building of a responsible critical conscience in young generations. This project was developed at the faculty of Education – University Roma Tre.

Research group: Benedetto Vertecchi, Antonella Poce, Francesco Agrusti, Annalisa Iovine.

Tasks: coordinator.

Length: 2011 – 2012


·     DIPED Departmental project: Podcasting as a teaching and learning tool. Experimental analysis of the new opportunities.

Objectives: to understand if: it is possible to offer online teaching and learning materials that could take into account the relation process/content; it is possible to fill in the gap between oral and written message thanks to the new technology; it is possible to improve learning thank to online support teaching tools.

Tasks: coordinator.

Length: 2010 – 2011


·               European Project –Tempus project 2008 - Development of Master Study Programmes in Education.

Partners: DIPED – Department for educational Design – University Roma Tre is grant holder of the project and the other partners are: CDELL – Nottingham University UK – DPU – School of education – Arhus University (DK) – Tirana University (AL) – Tetovo University (MK) – Prishtina University (KO).

Objectives: within the various activities foreseen by the project the problem of the employment of technology to enhance learning is one of the major issues and I am deepening it, trying to understand which is the level of innovation in the Balkans Higher Education System.

Tasks: Co-manager of the project

Length: 2009 – 2011


·               European Project – Tempus JP 2003: True Assessment. Distance Learning network for teachers.

Partners: Università Roma Tre, University of Nottingham, Testing Board Ukraine, National Academy of Public Administration- Ukraine, Academy of Educational Sciences, Ukranian School Heads Association.

Objectives: introduction of modern assessment methods and techniques in everyday practice of school, colleges, and universities. This was to be achieved by wide exposure of educators (classroom teachers and their administrative supervisors) to new knowledge and practice of educational assessment. To do this, courses on educational assessment were introduced as part of compulsory in-service teachers training programme and as Distance Learning Courses for voluntary training of teachers in service, administrators, researchers.

Tasks: cooperation in the identification of the contents to be taught to teachers and writing of a glossary containing useful terms in the field of education and assessment. Cooperation in the management and organisation of international seminars and symposium, identification of useful scientific materials, reporting.

Length: 2003-2006


·               PRIN Project (Research project of relevant national interest): Experimental evaluation of impact of e-learning on Higher education Teaching.

Objectives: improve the quality of teaching through blended learning.

Tasks: member of the research group that managed the experiment carried out at the module of Experimental Pedagogy – faculty of Primary Education – University Roma Tre.

Length: 2003-2005.

Publications, articles, papers, studies




POCE A. (2015) (ed.) Tecnologia critica, Creatività e Didattica della Scienza - ISBN:978-88-917-2533-2, Franco Angeli : Milano (pp. 111).

POCE A. (2015) (ed). Individualizzazione del messaggio di apprendimento in ambiente adattivo. Atti del convegno am-learning.  ISBN 978-88-917-02994-3, Franco Angeli: Milano (pp.80). (Il volume è pubblicato in doppia lingua Italiano e Inglese).

POCE A. (2014) (ed). Promuovere la scienza. Studi per la definizione di un canone. ISBN 978-88-204- 5872-0, Franco Angeli: Milano (pp.80). (Il volume è pubblicato in doppia lingua Italiano e Inglese).

POCE A. (2012) (ed). Contributi per la definizione di una tecnologia critica. Un’esperienza di valutazione. ISBN: 9788820410063 Franco Angeli: Milano (pp. 81). (Il volume è pubblicato in doppia lingua Italiano e Inglese).

POCE A. (2012). Il Sostegno europeo. Fondi comunitari diretti e fondi strutturali. ISBN: 978-88-907628-0-2 Consorzio Italbiotec: Milano (pp.79).

POCE A., L. Corcione, A. Iovine, F. Agrusti (2011). Il Podcasting nello strumentario dell’istruzione in rete. Verifica sperimentale delle nuove opportunità. ISBN 978-88-568-4136-7 Franco Angeli: Milano (pp.77). (Il volume è pubblicato in doppia lingua Italiano e Inglese).

POCE A., C. Angelini (2011). Towards a new educational culture, Reflections on the Am Learning project. ISBN 978-88-568-3895-4 Franco Angeli: Milano (pp. 70). (Il volume è pubblicato in doppia lingua Italiano e Inglese).

Vertecchi B., POCE A., Angelini C., Agrusti F. (2010). Orbis Dictus. Un ambiente adattivo multilingue per l’istruzione in rete. Milano: Franco Angeli. ISBN 978-88-568-3317-1 (pp.23-38).

POCE A., Elia G. (eds) (2010). Open Networked i-Learning. Models and Cases of Next Gen Learning. New York, Springer. ISBN 978-1-4419-6853-1 (pp. 157).

POCE A. (2010). Valutare l'innovazione nella didattica universitaria. Esempi internazionali di buone pratiche presso le università di Nottingham, Marne la Vallée e Roma Tre. Roma: Edizioni Nuova Cultura, ISBN 978 -88-6134-434-1 (pp.188).

Book chapters

POCE A. (2016), “Prospettive Future: la didattica” in Nardi, E., ANGELINI, C. (2016) (a cura di). La cultura europea, la cultura degli europei. Milano: Mimesis. In corso di pubblicazione.

POCE A. (2016). “Tracce di tecnologia nella scrittura dei bambini”. In B. Vertecchi (a cura di). I Bambini e la scrittura. L’esperimento Nulla dies sine Linea. Milano: Franco Angeli, ISBN: 9788891709738.

POCE A., A. Iovine (2015). “From Cultural to socio economic capital: lessons from a post graduate course in Standards for Museum Education” in H.J.Chatterjee, Hannan L. (Eds.), Engaging the senses: Object Based Learning, pp.177-191, Ashgate Publishing: Farnham (UK), ISBN 9781472446152.

POCE A. (2014). “Promoting science: the creation of a scientific observatory to raise awareness of sea biodiversity” In E.Nardi e C. Angelini (Eds.), Best Practice 3. A Tool to improve museum education internationally, pp.109-116, Ed. Nuova Cultura: Roma, ISBN 9788868123895, DOI 10.4458/3895.

POCE A. (2009). “Language and Online Communities. Analysis of Forum Interactions of Two Online Modules at the University Roma Tre”, in Museums, New Technologies, Language, ed. by E.Nardi e P. Limone, Roma, Nuova Cultura, pp. 67-81, ISBN:978-88-6134-350-3.

POCE A. (2007). "Le interviste nella ricerca qualitativa". In: B. Vertecchi e V. Gallina. Il disagio, l'alfabeto, la democrazia. Riflessioni sui risultati del progetto Predil, pp. 111-124, Milano: Franco Angeli, ISBN/ISSN: 9788846486417.

POCE A. (2007). "Valutare gli apprendimenti mediatizzati". In: F.FAIELLA. I percorsi ed i processi della didattica multimediale. Strumenti e metodologie per processi educativi innovativi, pp.253 - 269, Lecce: Pensa, ISBN/ISSN: 88-89267-00-0.

Articles SS CI Listed Journals

Poce, A.; Agrusti, F.; Re, MR (2015), “Sviluppo di uno strumento di valutazione delle risorse aperte (OERs)” in Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, Anno XXIII, 2, pp.  pp.81-98. ISSN:1122-5165.

Vertecchi B., A. Poce, M.R. Re, F. Agrusti (2015), “Verba sequentur. Pensiero e Scrittura.” in Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, Anno XXIII, 1, pp. 108-115. ISSN: 1122-5165.

Poce A. (2015), “Tecnologia critica. Lettura su carta o in digitale” in Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, Anno XXIII, 1, pp. 116-119. ISSN: 1122-5165.

Poce A. (2015), “Developing Critical Perspectives on Technology in Education: A Tool for MOOC Evaluation”, in EURODL, European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning, The Best Research Papers presented at the 2014 EDEN 8th Research Workshop, ed. by U. Bernath and A. Szucs, Published by EDEN, pp. 51-62. ISSN 1027-5207.

Poce A. (2014), “Tecnologia critica. Penna o tastiera: strumenti a confronto” in Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, Anno XXII, 2, pp. 118-122. ISSN: 1122-5165.

Poce A. (2014), “Tecnologia critica. Scrittura e dispositivi elettronici” in Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, Anno XXII, 1, pp. 115-119. ISSN: 1122-5165.

Poce A. (2013), “Tecnologia critica. Segnali inquietanti” in Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, Anno XX, 2, pp. 118-122. ISSN: 1122-5165. DOI 10.3280/CAD2013-002009.

POCE A., L. Corcione, A. Iovine (2013), “Contributi per la definizione di una tecnologia critica interdisciplinare”, in Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, Anno XX, 1, pp. 41-62. ISSN: 1122-5165, DOI 10.3280/CAD2013-001004.

POCE A, L.Corcione, A.Iovine. (2012). “Content Analysis and Critical Thinking. An Assessment Study”, Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, (SS CI Listed), vol. 1/12, p. 47-63, ISSN: 1122-5165. 10.3280/CAD2012-001006.

POCE A. (2012), “Contributions to the Definition of a Critical Technology”, Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, (SS CI Listed), XIX, 2, pp. 113-116. ISSN: 1122-5165.

POCE A (2012). “Fostering creativity through assessment and the use of IT: a feasibility study carried out in higher education” in International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, vol. 8, p. 6-19, ISSN: 1741-1009.

POCE A, Corradi F. (2011). “Tempus Demed project and operational solutions for online distance education” Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, (SS CI Listed), vol. 2/2011, p. 21-38, ISSN: 1122-5165. DOI 10.3280/CAD2011-002003.

POCE A. (2011). “The Value of Networking in 21st century Higher Education: the Marne-la-Vallée University case” in International Journal of Innovation And Technology Management, vol. 8, pp. 483-500, ISSN: 0219-8770.

POCE A (2010). “Operational Solutions for Online Distance Learning” Cadmo. An International Journal of Educational Research, (SS CI Listed), vol. XVIII, p. 115-116, ISSN: 1122-5165 DOI 10.3280/CAD2010-002010.

POCE A. (2010). “Podcasting: a Tool for Online Distance Learning. Experimental Analysis of New Opportunities” in Cadmo. An International Journal of Educational Research, (SS CI Listed), Anno XVIII, 2, pp. 104-107, 2010. ISSN: 1122-5165. 10.3280/CAD2010-001011.

POCE A. (2008). "Evaluating innovation in Higher Education teaching and learning to improve quality. An experience of blended learning at the University Roma Tre" in International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, vol. IV; pp. 109-126, ISSN: 1741-1009.

POCE A. (2007). "Procedure di blended learning all'Università di Roma Tre. Il laboratorio a distanza Introduzione alla Ricerca Sperimentale." In Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, (SS CI Listed), vol. XV, pp. 73 – 86, ISSN: 1122-5165.

POCE A. (2007). "È Possibile Sviluppare la Creatività nell'educazione Superiore attraverso la Valutazione?", in Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research vol. XV; pp. 97-112, ISSN: 1122-5165.

POCE A. (2006). "La valutazione della didattica universitaria: tre casi nazionali" in Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, (SS CI Listed), vol. XIV, pp. 17 – 54, ISSN: 1122-5165.

POCE A. (2006). "Valutazione sperimentale della ricaduta dell'E-Learning sulla qualità della didattica universitaria". In: ISDM, Informations, Savoirs, Decisions,& Mediations, vol. 25, p. 593-609, ISBN/ISSN: 1265-499X.

POCE A., T. Testani (2005). "Esigenze e soluzioni per una migliore didattica universitaria" in Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, (SS CI Listed), vol. XIII; pp. 53-65, ISSN: 1122-5165.

De Stefano M.T., A. Ferdinandi, A. POCE, M. Salassa, C. Stringher, T. Testani (2004). "Le pratiche Valutative nella Scuola Secondaria Superiore" in Cadmo, An International Journal of Educational Research, (SS CI Listed), vol. XII; pp. 95-107, ISSN: 1122-5165.

Articles on national journals

POCE A. (2005). "Le variabili di sfondo. Analisi dei questionari distribuiti nell'ambito del progetto PRIN, La ricaduta dell'e-learning sulla qualità della didattica Universitaria". In: E_learning: protagonista dello sviluppo della società della conoscenza, ISBN/ISSN: 88-88704-11.

POCE A. (2005). "L'e-Learning nella didattica delle lingue straniere", in Rivista di Studi Politici, vol. II; p. 49-59, ISSN: 1120-4036.

Conference proceedings

POCE A., F.Agrusti e M.R. Re (2016). “Pen or keyboard- An empirical study on the effects of technology on writing skills” in Texeira A. et al. eds., EDEN 2016, Reimagining Learning Environments, EDEN, Budapest, ISBN 978-615-5511-08-0. (Contributo selezionato all’interno del gruppo dei migliori 5 articoli presentati alla Conferenza).

Poce, A., Agrusti, F., (2015). “Sviluppo di uno strumento di valutazione per le OERs.” In EM&MITALIA 2015-Teach Different! Multiconferenza Italiana su E-learning, Media Education e Moodlemoot. Genova University Press. ISBN: 978-88-97752-60-8.

Poce A., F. Agrusti (2015), “Measuring a Critical Impact on Technology in Education: A Tool for OERs Evaluation”, in António Moreira Teixeira, András Szűcs (Eds), Expanding Learning Scenarios, EDEN Annual Conference, Barcelona (SP), 9-12 June, 2015, EDEN: Budapest, ISBN 978-615-5511-04-2.

Poce A. (2014),“Developing Critical Perspectives on Technology in Education: A Tool for MOOC evaluation”, in António Moreira Teixeira, András Szűcs (Eds), Challenges for Research into Open and Distance Learning, EDEN Research Workshop, Oxford (UK), 27-28 October, 2014, EDEN: Budapest, ISBN 978-615-5511-00-4.

Poce A. (2014), “A Mooc For Entrepreneurship Education, Adopting A Critical Technology. An Experience Carried Out At the Dhitech Technological District In Apulia (Italy)”, in António Moreira Teixeira, András Szűcs and Ildikó Mázár (Eds), E-Learning at Work and the Workplace. From Education to Employment and Meaningful Work with ICTs, Zagreb, 10-13 June, 2014, EDEN: Budapest, ISBN 978-963-89559-7-5.

Poce A, (2013), “Online cooperative writing as a critical thinking enhancer. An experimental experience” in M. Paulsen, A. Szucs (eds), The Joy of learning. Enhancing Learning Experience, Improving Learning Quality. Oslo, 12-15 June 2013, Budapest: European Distance and E-learning Network Budapest, ISBN: 978-963-89559-2-0.

POCE A, Corcione L., Iovine A. (2012). “Lifelong Learning and the Development of a Critical Technology in Higher Education”. In: M. Paulsen, A. Szucs (eds), Open Learning Generations. Oporto, 6/9 Giugno 2012, Budapest: European Distance and E-learning Network Budapest, ISBN: 978-963-87914-9-8.

M.Gaeta, S. Miranda, F. Orciuoli, S. Paolozzi, POCE A (2011). “An Approach To Personalized e-Learning” In: N. Callaos, W. Lesso, A. Oropeza, A. Tremante, F. Welsch. 2nd International Conference on Society and information Technologies. Orlando (Florida), 27-30 marzo 2011, p. 273-278, Orlando (Florida):International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (Orlando), ISBN: 9781936338184.

POCE A., Corcione L. (2011). “Podcasting a tool for sustainable online learning environments. Experimental analysis of the new opportunities”. Proceedings of EDEN Annual Conference, Dublin (IE), Budapest: ISBN 978-963-87914-5-0.

POCE A. (2009). "Assessment of Creativity and Innovation at Higher Education" in proceedings of EDEN Annual Conference, Innovation in Learning Communities. What did you invent for Tomorrow? Budapest: EDEN. ISBN 978-963-87914-2-9.

POCE A. (2009). Higher Education in the Twenty-first Century. The chance of Adaptive Learning Environments, in Proceedings of ISDA - International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. Pisa: IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 978-0-7695-3872-3.


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