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Address: Rua da Escola Politécnica, 141-147 1269-001 Lisboa Portugal

City: Lisbon


Contact emailAntonio.Teixeira@uab.pt

Institution websitehttp://www.uab.pt

My EDEN portfolio

Membership type

Membership starting date: 2009.03.09

Conference attendances

Vienna 2006,Barcelona 2006,Naples 2007,Stockholm 2007,Lisbon 2008,Paris 2008,Gdansk 2009,Porto 2009

Conference presentations

Lisbon 2008 - EDEN Annual Conference, Learning Communities in "@learn.com"
Lisbon 2008 - EDEN Annual Conference, Net, Truth and Digital Identity: Towards an Hermeneutics of Online Communication
Lisbon 2008 - EDEN Annual Conference, Radical System Developments
Paris 2008 - EDEN Research Workshop, GALA Reloaded: Evaluating Online Technologies to Promote Inter-Comprehension in Romance Languages
Gdansk 2009 - EDEN Annual Conference, A Proposal to Harmonize Virtual Mobility and the European Qualification Framework
Porto 2009 - EDEN Open Classroom Conference, The Use of Internet Social Networks in a Pedagogical Context: A Case Study in a Basic Portuguese School

EC member: 2008-

Eurodl Board Member: yes

Conference Committee member

2009 Gdansk, 2009 Porto, 2008 Lisbon, 2008 Paris, 2007 Naples

EDEN NAP profile

Position, Work experience

I'm an Assistant Professor at Universidade Aberta (UAb), the Portuguese Open University, in the Department of Education and Distance Learning, where I started teaching in 1991. I'm also a Researcher at the University of Lisbon (Centre for Philosophy) since 2004.


From 2006 to 2009, I was Pro-rector for Innovation in Distance Learning at Universidade Aberta. In that capacity, I've had the opportunity to conceive and manage the implementation of the university's successful and speedy strategic transition process from a print-based distance learning institution to a fully online one.


From 2007 to 2009, I was also a member of the Academic and Administration Boards of Asia's International Open University (UAIA), and also of the Portuguese Rectors Council (CRUP) especialized committes on Scientific Research and Knowledge Transfer, and Evaluation, Quality and Innovation.


Presently, I'm also on the Scientific Board of several international journals on education and media (European Journal on Online and Distance Learning -Eurodl, Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento - RUSC, Revista de Enseñanza y Learning, Co-Learn, Formamente – International Research Journal on Digital Future  and Higher Education Teaching and Learning). I'm also a member of the e-ASEM network on e-learning and lifelong learning, as well as the Experts Board of the Horizon Report edition for Iberoamerica.

Education and training, degres, academic qualifications

I received my training in Philosophy at the University of Lisbon (PhD - 2003, MPhil - 1994) and in online education at the University of Turku (2004).

Area of expertise and field of interest (general), ,

Area of expertise and field of interest (education and training), , , , , , , , , , ,


The Lived Experience of Climate Change: Interdisciplinary e-module development and virtual mobility (EU-funded). Coordinator: Open University [2009-11].

Open Educational Resources - Higher Education: OER-HE (EU-funded). Coordinator: EADTU – European Association of Distance Teaching Universities [2009-11].

VIRQUAL: Network for Integrating Virtual Mobility and European Qualification Framework in HE and CE Institutions (EU-funded). Coordinator: University of Porto [2009-11].

European-Latin American university cooperation Gate - EL GATE  (EU-funded). Coordinator: Universitá Telemática Guglielmo Marconi [2009-11].

EPICS for Virtual Erasmus. European Portal for International Courses and Services for Virtual Erasmus (EU-funded). Coordinator: EADTU – European Association of Distance Teaching Universities [2008-10].

Horizon Iberoamérica. Coordinator: eLearn Center Open University of Catalonia [2010].

Ensino-Aprendizagem da Filosofia (FCT-funded). Coordinator: Center for Philosophy of the University of Lisbon [2010-12].

University Strategies and Business Models for Lifelong Learning in Higher Education (EU-funded). Coordinator: EADTU – European Association of Distance Teaching Universities [2008]

RCAAP - Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal  (UMIC/Knowledge Society Agency-funded). Coordinator: University of Minho and FCCN - National Foundation for Scientific Computation [2008]

Multilingual Open Resources for Independent Learning. MORIL (William and Flora Hewlett Foundation-funded). Coordinator: EADTU – European Association of Distance Teaching Universities [2006-08)]

Introduction to lifelong learning methodologies. IAML-3 (EU-funded). Coordinator: RAGO [2005]

@prende.com: Comunidades, aprendizagens e comunicação online (FCT-funded). Coordinator: Universidade Aberta [2005-08]

Communication services




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