ICT Supported Work-Based Conflict Resolution Learning

Alan Bruce
Universal Learning Systems, Ireland

Maria-Antonia Guardiola Lopez
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain


The development of work-based learning has traditionally been associated with the need to develop the competences, skills, attitudes and behaviours that produce effectiveness in implementing defined job performance in relation to standards, productivity and outputs. The modern idea of developing a rounded set of work-based competencies that facilitate complex systemic analysis, foster critical and reflective skills and address more complex issues of environmental well-being and soft-skills regarding human relationships is still however regarded with suspicion by management systems where the critical bottom-line is profitability and efficiency. There is a growing realization that as well as highly specific job-related technical skills, the demands of the globalized workplace make it imperative that social and interpersonal knowledge, skills and competencies be incorporated in any on-job learning program.

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