Designing Authentic Learning Activities and Environments: Theory and Practice

Andrea Gregg
The Pennsylvania State University, United States of America

Rick Shearer
The Pennsylvania State University, United States of America

Heather Dawson
The Pennsylvania State University, United States of America


Adult learners returning to school are looking for educational experiences that not only cover the theory and background of a field, but also connect the program to the real world of work. Whether they are looking for career change, advancement in their current organization, or personal growth opportunities, they are demanding that their educational experiences move them beyond the traditional decontextualized classroom model. These types of learning activities are embodied in the concept of “practice fields” wherein “the goal shifts from the teaching of concepts to engaging the learner in authentic tasks that are likely to require the use of those concepts or skills”. For those of us involved in distance education, this can provide unique opportunities to leverage educational technologies as our students are geographically dispersed.

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