Teachers Perception on Innovative Services and ICT in Teaching and Learning in Primary and Secondary Schools in Croatia

Jasna Tingle
Croatian Academic and Research Network - CARNet, Croatia

Dragana Kupres
Croatian Academic and Research Network - CARNet, Croatia


The focus of the paper is on researching and analysing teachers perception of using ICT in teaching and learning and for innovative services in primary and secondary schools in Croatia. The research was conducted in spring 2014 using qualitative methodology in small guided groups discussions, covering 10 schools, 26 focus groups and over 150 teachers of both primary and secondary schools in rural and urban, geographically dispersed locations of Croatia. The purpose of investigating the teachers perception was to inform the preparation of the large-scale national project of ICT in education called e-Schools, in which teachers should have the key role as change agents, and to engage teachers early in the project preparation. SCALE CCR model was used for data analysis. The results of the study show that most of the teachers still perceive ICT in education mainly as infrastructure, but are also very well aware of the advantages of using technology for learning, mainly for learning by exploring and meaningful activities.

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