Student Perspectives on the Use of Their Data: Between Intrusion, Surveillance and Care

Sharon Slade
The Open University, United Kingdom

Paul Prinsloo
University of South Africa, South Africa


The Open University (OU) is a large, open distance learning institution with more than200,000 students. In common with many other higher education institutions (HEIs), theUniversity is looking more closely at its use of learning analytics. Learning analytics has been defined as the collection and analysis of data generated during the learning process in order to improve the quality of learning and teaching (Siemens, Dawson, & Lynch, 2013). In the context of the Open University, learning analytics is the use of raw and analysed student data to, inter alia, proactively identify interventions which aim to support students in completing their study goals. Such interventions may be designed to support students as individuals as well as at a cohort level.

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