E-learning via Synchronous Communication- Experiences from a learning study course in Higher Education

Eva Edman Stalbrandt
Stockholm University, Sweden

Kajsa Falkner
Stockholm University, Sweden


At the department of Education at Stockholm University we offer a master program in didactic science. The participants are teachers with a teacher degree who would like to develop their work in school. The programme is half time studies and almost all the participants work full time at school. Since the autumn 2013 we offer the master programme as an e-learning programme (Holsapple & Lee-Post, 2006). One reason is to offer teachers to combine education with work and another motive is to attract teachers from other parts of the country or abroad. Introducing distance education means creating major changes in how teaching and other resources are used. It challenges faculty staff to reflect on and improve the course design as well as exploiting digital technology in order to improve the students’ learning process. The overall aim of this project is to develop the learning environment within an e-learning course in relation to its content.

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