Development of a New Activity-Based Instructional Design Model

János Ollé
Eszterházy Károly University of Applied Sciences, Hungary

László Hülber
EKF, Hungary

Henrik Sablik
Nexius Learning - ELMS Zrt., Hungary

Ágnes Kocsis
Nexius Learning - ELMS Zrt., Hungary


The advance in the use of technology in the classroom has led to traditional pedagogical frameworks taking something of a backseat. This is despite the realisation that the benefits to learning and motivation attached to e-learning solutions are not as unequivocal and evident as originally supposed. This is reflected in the findings of the PISA Students, Computers and Learning (OECD, 2015) report which shows that inappropriate ICT methodological solutions may negatively impact on student learning. Effective ICT application is also hindered by the fact that attention is always focused on the latest technologies instead of the issue of digital tool use which is based on evidence and research. This results in new technological tools – at the end of the activities described by the Hype cycle (Gartner, 2015) – being superseded by the appearance of new technologies before there has been the opportunity for the former’s implementation and effective application. In the rare cases that good practice occurs and successful e-learning solutions are implemented, it can be observed that the scientific elaboration of methodological parts is treated with equal importance through the use of the latest technology.

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