Recognition of Valid Open and Online Learning

Airina Volungeviciene
Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

Marius Sadauskas
Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

Danute Pranckute
Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

Sandra Kucina Softic
University of Zagreb, Croatia

Ferenc Tatrai
EDEN Secretariat, Hungary

Matthias Murawski
ESCP Europe Business School Berlin, Germany

Markus Bick
ESCP Europe Business School Berlin, Germany

Julia Busche
Q21, Germany


It has been a while since recognition of prior and non-formal learning was addressed by education providers and policy makers in Europe. Quite a number of universities in Europe established instruments and procedures properly addressing strategic goals to recognize prior and non-formal learning in the form of results in formal curricula. However, this practice has been challenged by two main factors and innovations in themselves. The first challenge, continuously changing the form and transforming traditional education is digital education and online learning. Since the advent of distance education, the question that generates the greatest concern when it comes to recognition is assessment: for example, it is difficult to be sure that the learner who completes an online assessment is the learner who enrolled, and also the possible forms of assessment are limited in online education. Validation of learner and learning results therefore continues to be questioned and researched.The second challenge for traditional higher education, strengthened by new forms of open learning was open education itself. Questions and concerns generated were similar to online learning concerns, but often misled – instead of focusing on learning results, research questions focused on recognition of open learning itself.

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