The EDEN interviews: Rosie Jones

Image by Timothy Vollmer on Flickr

Want to know about the future of libraries? Rosie Jones is probably one of the best placed people to tell you exactly how they will evolve over the next few years. Based at the British Open University, Rosie is Director of Library Services, a central component to the success of the distance education institution.

I caught up with her after her keynote speech during the EDEN summer conference in Jonkoping, Sweden and interviewed her on camera. It was a fascinating interview, giving some keen insights into how university libraries might operate in the near future. We covered a lot of ground in a short time, including discussion around learning analytics, designing for digital, visions for the future, including the university in the cloud, and moving learning beyond physical spaces into online environments.

Rosie talked extensively about digital literacies too – and emphasised the importance of digital capabilities for the future of not just the Open University, but for education in general. Developing digital engagement, curation and a vast range of other skills will be vital, she says, if we are to leverage the full potential of technology, both in physical and virtual spaces.

Creative Commons License
The EDEN interviews: Rosie Jones by Steve Wheeler was written in Plymouth, England and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.