17-19 June 2016 Budapest, Hungary

ods_academy_budapest_summercourse_500Join the ODS Academy summer school which intentionally coincides with EDEN’s 25th Anniversary Conference to bring sustainable innovation to your work as a 21st century educator.The Open Discovery Space Academy, exploiting and expanding on the outputs, experiences and heritage of the Open Discovery Space (ODS) project, offers a multitude of courses to school leaders and teachers acting as change agents in their schools, as well as teachers with a newly acquired taste for innovative practices from all over Europe. Your participation in any ODS Academy 2016 course may be funded by the Erasmus+ Programme (Key Action 1, Mobility project for school education staff). Details… Applicants for the summer school are strongly encouraged to join the EDEN 25th Anniversary Conference. Participating in both events has the added value of international networking opportunities and professional development through the training events offered as part of the conference.