EDEN Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP)

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EDEN Newsflash Archives

EDEN Newsflash - December, 2004

1. We would like to remind that the NAP Steering Committee is going to be elected next February. The Call for nominations has been posted to all NAP members last week. Please, feel encouraged to propose outstanding professionals to the Board in order that the important asset of EDEN, the Network of Academics and Professionals could continue progressing under the leadership of prestigious experts. See for details the announcement on the NAP Members Area: www.eden-online.org/nap

2. In EURODL - the European Journal of Open and Distance Learning, with support of EDEN - during the past few weeks again a number of new interesting articles have been released. The articles cover a wide range of different aspects of the distance and e-learning field, under the following titles:
- Distributed learning in the Nordic Countries and Canada
- Brokering distance education relationships for capacity-building – a case study of the British Council
- A Quality Framework for Producing Clinically Competent Nurses Through Distance Education,
- Can E-learning break the Digital Divide?
- Cost analysis for e-learning foreign languages
- Problem Based Management Learning-Better Online
- Special aspects of moderating virtual classroom-scenarios
To read EURODL please visit: www.eurodl.org.

3. EDEN was again represented successfully at this year Online Educa Berlin Conference, held 1-3 December. We are glad to report that the well-positioned exhibition stand ensured excellent circumstances for the introduction of EDEN and its activities to conference visitors. A presentation about the Association and its innovative plans was delivered in the session entitled "Membership Organisations in the E-Learning Sector". Upon the invitation of the conference organisers, EDEN President chaired the session "Managing E-Learning", whilst the Secretary General chaired the session "E-Learning as a Tool for Social Change". The updated Power Point presentation on EDEN that had been used in Berlin is now uploaded on the website, please visit it at: www.eden-online.org/eden.php?menuId=85.

4. As partner in the EQUIPE - European Quality in Individualised Pathways in Education project, we are inviting all experts in the field of continuing education from the EDEN membership to join the expert circle of the project in order to get involved in building capacity at European universities. The aim of the project is to improve the individualised learning pathway as experienced by adults in universities in Europe by enhancing the quality of the educational practices in relation to: access and entry issues, the learning experience at university, and impact and progression. One of the EQUIPE working groups, responsible for models and references, is developing a database of competences and services in quality in continuing education in the project. Would you be interested, please visit the NAP Members Area, fill in the downloadable form and send it to the coordinators directly.

5. With the support of Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, the Proceedings of the Third EDEN Research Workshop "Supporting the Learning in Distance Education and E-Learning" is now supplemented with a DVD, containing all plenary speeches of the event. EDEN members, as announced earlier, can access the speeches as streaming video at the NAP Members Area.

6. The Proceedings of the Second Research Workshop of EDEN, held in 2002 in Hildesheim, Germany "Research and Policy in Open and Distance Learning" is now publicly available at the Downloads site of the EDEN homepage, at: www.eden-online.org/eden.php?menuId=81.