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EDEN Newsflash - December 2008

Dear EDEN Member,




EDEN wishes you
Peaceful, Merry
relaxing holidays, and a
Happy New Year!





1. New Members

EDEN welcomes the following new institutional members having joined the Association since last month:

You can check their profile at the "Welcoming New Members" link on the EDEN web.

2. EDEN Annual Conference, 10-13 June, Gdansk, Poland

What did you invent for tomorrow?


We invite all interested to remember the deadline for contributions that is 16 January 2009.
The online submission is open and awaiting your submissions for the conference!

3. Development of Services at EURODL

We are pleased to inform you, that as a first step towards the renewal of its design, the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL) has recently changed its logo and introduced new information services to its website.

The "Search" feature of the Journal now offers a more detailed and speedy search in all recent and archived articles according to authors, title and keywords. The newly set up RSS function offers an up-to-date service for all who wish to get direct information on freshly available articles. For detailed information, please visit the journal.

4. Call for papers "Innovation and creativity"

Elearningeuropa.info, mediapartner of the EDEN 2009 Annual Conference, has opened a call for papers "Innovation and creativity" (closing on January 12th, 2009). We assume this may be of interest to our membes and also could give some head start for the EDEN conference. the issue will be published in April 2009.

5. Vacancy: IT and Learning Professor

Stockholm University wishes to employ a Professor of Computer and Systems Sciences with a particular focus on Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences. Last date for application: February 12, 2009. The Call for Applications can be read here.

6. New Technology Platforms For Learning – Revisited
Logos Open Conference on strengthening the integration of ICT research effort

The online registration for the closing conference of the LOGOS project, on 19-20 January 2008 in Budapest, Hungary is now open. The conference aims to review the results of several innovative, learning-oriented research projects by exploring the innovative solutions for individual learning processes embedded in sound learning theories, focusing on the learner - technology relationship.

All attendees (presenting or visiting) are expected to register with the online registration form available here. Bookings will be assigned and confirmed by the Conference team upon receipt of the Registration Form on a first come first served basis.

Registration Deadline: 15 January 2009 24:00 CET. Participation is free of charge, light lunches and coffee will be served.

For more information on the event, please visit the conference pages.