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EDEN Newsflash - February 2008

1. 2008 Annual Conference - Registration is open

The 2008 EDEN Annual Conference in Lisbon will address the significance and impact of cultural issues in distance and e-learning development in Europe and beyond. The year 2008 is the year of intercultural dialogue, offering the opportunity to focus at the issue of learning cultures at the EDEN Conference.

The academic and professional community has confirmed the relevance of the theme and approach by expressing high interest, with more than 220 papers, workshops and posters submitted to the conference.

Authors of papers accepted for presentation (including posters) can benefit from a reduced fee. The registration fee will include all conference facilities, Conference Proceedings (on CD-ROM), the Book of Abstracts, the Welcome Cocktail on 11 June, lunches and coffees on 12-14 June.

We offer combined EDEN membership + Conference fee discounted packages as well.

For details on how to register, please visit the conference website.

2. EDEN welcomes the following new institutional members in the Association:

You can check them at the "Welcoming New Members" link on the EDEN web.

3. EDEN 5th Research Workshop - 20-22 October, Paris

"Researching and promoting access to education and training:
the role of distance education and e-learning in technology-enhanced environments"

The Fifth Research Workshop, in the jubilee year of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights, intends to put special emphasis on the "rights" and "access" to education, by exploring how recent developments of open and distance education enhanced by ICT turns into a key actor when and where access to education is concerned and what are the main quests for institutions, studens and the information and communication technology.

EDEN invites European researchers, the professional community to contribute and share experience at the Research Workshop in a magnificent surroundings, in the City of Lights, Paris.

The workshop is organised in collaboration with Centre National de l'Enseignement à Distance - CNED and under the patronage of UNESCO.

4. EURODL - Six Journals' Special Issue

We are pleased to inform you that as part of the unique international collection of six international online scientific journals, new articles are now published in the Special Issue of EURODL, reflecting on the theme "Distance education and the right - or access - to education".

A common set of references in the field of distance education and of its impact on access to education are collected by the articles selected by the journals (peer reviewed), as a testimony of worldwide practices and researches on the role of distance education and e-learning for accessing education. Serving as background of the initiative, the article 26 of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights of December 10th, 1948 gave the framework for the initiative.

The six collaborating journals:

All the articles published in all collaborating journals can be read at their common space.

5. EDEN NAP Steering Commmittee Elections

EDEN members are invited to vote for the new Steering Committee of the Network of Academics and Professionals. Please, follow the instructions for the voting procedure at the NAP Members' Area, login: nap-member, password: napraforgo

There is a list of particularly strong candidates standing for election as Steering Committee members this year. Your contribution to the election is much awaited!

6. International Seminar for professionals working in learning environments

EDEN member Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), in co-operation with the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction is organising an International Seminar on "Competencies for professionals working in learning environments: A perspective from difference actors" on 13 March 2008.

The event will foster discussion about the comptencies required by different actors who perform in virtual learning environments, including instructors, teachers, tutors and consultants, instrcutional designers of course and programes, educational and training managers, as well as evaluatos of educational and learning projects/programs.

To read the programme and get information on how to register, please click.

7. New ICDE President

ICDE, the International Council of Distance Education elected a new Executive Committee and its President: Dr. Frits Pannekoek, President of the Athabasca University, Canada.

EDEN congratulate and look forward to successful collaboration with the new ICDE Executive Committee and President.

8. EDEN Hosting Service Agreement renewed

The Hosting Service agreement between EDEN and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics was renewed on the 30th of January 2008, for an additional 3 years term. The EDEN Secretariat is hosted by the University at the premises of the Centre for Learning Innovation and Adult Learning.

9. Conferences of EDEN's partner organisations

SEFI - European Society for Engineering Education is organising their 36th Annual Conference 2-5 July, in Aalborg, Denmark. The three main pillars of the themes, discussed at the event, will be: Quality Assessment, Empolyability and Innovation. To read more about the event, and see details of registration, please click here.

ACA - the Academic Cooperation Association will hold its 2008 Annual Conference in Tallin, the beautiful capital of Estonia, 15-17 June. The event, titled "Beyond 2010: European Higher Education in the Next Decade", will identify the main higher education trends for the next ten years. You are kindly invited to check further information about the event here.

EADL 2008 conference, May 21-23 in Marbella, Spain, with sub-topics: From idea to market - How to survive in a free content world - Quality management in a chaotic diploma world - New Media: bad and successful use.