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EDEN Newsflash - March 2008

1. 2008 Annual Conference, Lisbon - Keynote speakers on the web

The 2008 EDEN Annual Conference in Lisbon will address the significance and impact of cultural issues in distance and e-learning development in Europe and beyond. The year 2008 is the year of intercultural dialogue, offering the opportunity to focus at the issue of learning cultures at the EDEN Conference.

Keynote speakers will include:

The registration is open, please visit the conference website to see the details.

2. New members in EDEN

We are pleased to welcome the following new individual members of EDEN who joined the Association this year:

3. Public launch of the Learnovation Stakeholders' Roundtable

Following the initiative of nine major European networks, including EDEN, concerned with lifelong learning, e-learning and education, representatives from more than 40 key EU and national lifelong stakeholders gathered in the European Commission on the 5th of March 2008, to discuss a new vision of innovation in learning, that embeds ICT for learning as well as lifelong learning in a comprehensive and future-oriented perspective.

The Learnovation Stakeholders Round Table, launched on the 16th October 2007 in the context of the eLearning Conference organised within the Portuguese Presidency of the EU, intends to propose itself as a new interlocutor to help European policy makers at all institutional levels to accelerate and strengthen the impact of innovation policies affecting education, training, lifelong learning but also the European economy and society according to the renewed Lisbon strategy.

You are invited to read the press release on the Learnovation Stakeholders' Roundtable kick-off, as well as to take a look at the initiative's web site for further information.

4. EDEN Membership in ELIG

We are pleased to announce that EDEN has recently joined ELIG, the European Learning Industry Group, as member of their Consultation Group. ELIG is an open consortium of leading ICT companies and eLearning content providers who seek to promote eLearning throughout Europe.

ELIG provides advice to the European Commission and national governments in areas of essential information technology and telecommunications infrastructure, open standards to facilitate the exchange of eLearning content, the development of a sustainable market for eLearning content and the development of relevant professional and personal skills.

The recent joining was a significant step in the EDEN-ELIG collaboration which started several years ago in conferences and projects. We hope to strengthen further by this development the networking capacity of EDEN, particularly in the corporate sector.

5. EFQUEL Forum on Quality and Innovation in Learning in Lisbon

The Forum on Quality and Innovation in Learning is being organized by the European Foundation for Quality in eLearning in Lisbon, on the 16th and 17th June, 2008. The Forum’s main theme is linking innovation in learning and quality in learning together and thus approach the quality of learning from a broad perspective. The venue of the event is the Portuguese National Institute for Public Administration (INA) in Oeiras, near Lisbon.

More information and registration-site will be soon available on the web-page.

6. Research Papers on "Personalized Learning Applications on top of Digital Libraries"

Presented papers at the Workshop on “Cross-Media and Personalized Learning Applications on top of Digital Libraries” (LADL 2007) related to the LOGOS project are now available. The papers discuss roles and functions of digital libraries as content providers within e-learning applications and services as well as the development of eLearning systems and application for cross-media delivery of learning.

The Workshop included sections on Personalisation of learning experiences, Cross-media and cross-cultural learning, as well as Learning content development and semantic annotation. For download, please visit the Workshop's website.

7. Bridging the Digital Divide in Rural Communities: Practical Solutions and Policies

EDEN member Ellinogermaniki Agogi invites all interested to an international conference organised by pioneering projects aiming to propose solutions for the fight against the Digital Divide in Europe. The conference aims to bring together academics, agents of applied research, field practitioners, and policy makers from Europe and beyond, who share an interest in promoting the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Services by rural citizens of all ages.

8. New book on Intergenerational Programmes

The Book "Intergenerational programmes. Towards a society for all ages" looks at the characteristics such programmes should embody. It also examines the intergenerational policies that aspire to making our society a place where ageing is not considered a threat but rather a process that contributes to well-being and socio-economic development, in keeping with the United Nations international call for building a society for all ages. Free download is possible here.

9. Events organised with the involvement of EDEN members and partners

EDEN Member, Estonian e-University welcomes EDEN members to attend an international conference "E-Learning is Here: Where are You?", on 3-4 April in the Estonian Information Technology College conference centre.

eLene - the (Human) e-learning European Network - invites to attend the Bremen Forum on "Preparing universities for the ne(x)t generation of students", to take place on 17-18 April in Bremen, Germany. The Forum is neither a conference nor a convention, but a day and a half occasion for discussing and exploring the issues faced by European universities in meeting the needs and expectations of the net (or simply next) generation of students. For more information about the programme, details of registration and accommodation, go to the Bremen Forum website.

Intelligent Distributed Cognitive-based Open Learning System for Schools, iClass is an FP6 Integrated Project, coordinated by Siemens Belgium and pursued by major European educational institutions and global players. The self-regulated personalized learning (SRPL) pedagogical model and the operational methodologies for working in school are developed for the project by EDEN partner institution, Center for Futurism in Education.

As a concluding milestone of the project a symposium will be organised "When the Virtual Meets Virtue: From e-Learning to e-Education", on 26-27 May, in Brussels. Please, find more details at iClass website.

Ellinogermaniki Agogi and the RuralWings project partners call the attention to the following two summer schools:

Teachers wishing to participate at the above events, can apply for EC grant through their Comenius National Agencies. Full information about the courses can be found at the respective website (i) and website (ii).

Carinthia University of Applied Sciences is announcing the Call for Papers of the upcoming Interactive Computer aided Learning Conference (ICL2008), to take place 24-26 September, 2008 in Villach.