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EDEN Newsflash Archives

EDEN Newsflash - November 2008

1. New Members

EDEN welcomes the following new institutional members having joined the Association since September 2008:

You can check their profile at the "Welcoming New Members" link on the EDEN web.

2. EDEN Annual Conference, 10-13 June, Gdansk, Poland

EDEN is glad to announce that Mr. Lech Walesa, former President of the Republic of Poland, the famous Gdansk citizen, Nobel Peace Prize holder and emblematic personality of the late 20th century Europen history has kindly accepted the invitation to be the Patron of the EDEN 2009 Annual Conference.

What did you invent for tomorrow?


The online submission is open and awaiting your contributions for the conference!

3. EDEN 17th Annual General Meeting

The draft Minutes of the 17th Annual General Meeting, held in Lisbon, 14 June 2008 is posted at the NAP Members' area. To have access to the site, please use login: nap-member and the password: napraforgo

4. New articles in EURODL

We are pleased to inform that a number of new articles have been released in the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning.

The newly published articles are:

5. Learnovation Stakeholders Round Table

The Learnovation Stakeholders Round Table, in which initiative EDEN is a founding member, held its second “Open Session” in Bussels on 6 November. The key themes of the meeting were the preparations fore the European Year of Creativity and Innovation in 2009 and the preparation of the Policy Paper to be elaborated by the Roundtable next year. Nine European networks further the representatives of the European Commission DG Education and Culture attended.

The Learnovation Stakeholders’ Roundtable Policy Paper will be elaborated under the title: “Bringing learning closer to life priorities”, with the concept that learning becomes relevant when it is associated to the life priorities of people, organisations, and societies: particularly creativity, motivation and inspiration. Policy should aim at breaking down the barriers: creativity and innovation is not something we shall teach, but something we should uncap.

6. New Technology Platforms for Learning - Revisited

LOGOS Open Conference on strengthening the integration of ICT research effort

In the occasion of the closing of the Sixth Framework Programme funded LOGOS project, the coordinator Antenna Hungaria and the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) together are organising a seminar on 19-20 January 2008, reviewing results of several innovative, learning-oriented research projects.

This seminar aims to explore the innovative solutions for individual learning processes embedded in sound learning theories, focusing on the learner- technology relationship. In order to fertilise research with practice oriented solutions, participants and presenters will be invited to bring forward ideas and solutions that set their colleagues thinking out of the box.

Researchers and practitioners of the field intending to participate on this 2 days event are invited to send half to one page of abstract reflecting on the following themes:

The best contributions will be invited to be published in the Book of Essays. Participation is free of charge, light lunches and coffee will be served.

Abstract (half to one page) submission deadline: 11 December 2008. Being aware of the short notice on abstract submission deadline, we encourage authors who would face difficulties in meeting the deadline to contact Eva Suba for extension request.

For more information on the event and registration, please visit the conference pages.

7. EDEN Executive Committee meeting, 20-22 October Paris

At their meeting the Executive discussed and approved the concept and themes to be announced for the 2009 Annual Conference in Gdansk, received report about the Lisbon Conference, reviewed the status of EU projects run with EDEN involvement.

The invitation to organise the 2010 Annual Conference in Valencia and the first offer from Universidad Politecnica de Valencia have been considered. The Committee was informed about the preparatory discussions for the next Open Classroom Conference, to take place 15-17 October 2009 in Porto, in the beautiful Alfandega do Porto Conference and Exhibition Centre.

8. Adult Learning and E-Learning Quality Conference

This international conference held in Kaunas, Lithuania on 25-26 November 2008, aimed at discussing the factors influencing e-learning quality in the context of adult learning, and contributing to adult learning and e-learning quality assurance. Martine Vidal, Vice President of EDEN held a keynote speech titled "Maturity of Distance Education: European Focuses and Research Topics" at the event, organised by the Distance Study Centre of EDEN institutional member, Vytautas Magnus University.

9. EDEN Secretariat staff news

Livia Turzo, who has been working as Membership and Conference Assistant from February 2008, was offered a new contract and in her capacity of Administrative Officer is now responsible for EDEN NAP issues, specific sub-tasks related to the organisation of the Gdansk Annual Conference and provides support to EFQUEL dealing with membership questions.