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EDEN Newsflash Archives

EDEN Newsflash - June 2009

Dear EDEN Member,

1. EDEN 7th Open Classroom Conference, Porto

The european school 2.0

EDEN will organise its next Open Classroom Conference, in Porto, Portugal, 15-17 October 2009, in collaboration with Universidade Aberta and Universidade do Porto.

For details about the conference concept, the themes and the Call for Contributions, please visit the website.

2. Important new E-learning book published

We are delighted to announce that the Book titled "Distance and E-learning in Transition –Learning Innovation, Technology and Social Challenges", was recently published jointly by ISTE and Wiley. The book is a selection of the best EDEN conference papers from the past years, revisiting research, innovation and professional practice in distance and e-learning.

To check the table of contents and for ordering, please visit this page.


3. Success of Content, Inventions and Interactivity

EDEN 2009 Annual Conference in Gdansk

What did you invent for tomorrow?


The event was rich both in content and in collaboration opportunities. Visionary keynote speeches commmented on the sometimes sensitive contemporary issues of innovation and learning. Valuable paper presentations, lively discussions and networking, the interactive workshops, professional demonstration sessions have added a lot to the achievements of the conference.

You are invited to visit the conference blog which reflects nicely the good atmosphere and some interesting moments of the conference. A selection of photos taken in the Gdansk Music and Congress Centre providing a perfect venue for knowledge sharing and networking, is also available on the web.

4. New officers in EDEN

At the EDEN Annual General Meeting, held in Gdansk on 11 June 2009, Alan Bruce from Universal Learning Systems and Mehmet Kesim from Anadolu University, were elected to serve as EDEN Executive Committee members.

The EDEN Executive Committee at their meeting held after the AGM, elected Morten Flate Paulsen, Director of Development, NKI Distance Education as Vice-President of the Association.

We congratulate to the newly elected officers and wish them much success!

With expiration of their term of office in the Executive Committee, Ulrich Bernath and Albert Sangra have retired. Hereby EDEN would like to thank both of them for their service in the Association.

5. New EDEN fellows

At the EDEN 2009 Annual Conference in Gdansk, EDEN Senior Fellow title was granted in recognition of his contribution to the development of open, distance and e-learning in Europe and for his valued commitment and support to the evolution and progress of EDEN to:

EDEN Fellow title was granted as expression of acknowledgement of professional merit for NAP members, who have demonstrated excellence in professional practice in the field of flexible and distance learning:

6. Learnovation Open Forum - Invitation to rate statements

The Learnovation project, supported by the Lifelong learning Programme of the European Commission, has produced 24 statements that indicate what should be done to improve European education and lifelong learning systems and to make them more innovative, creative and effective.

These statements were voted and commented in occasion of the Learnovation Open Forum in Brussels on the 27th of May by some 90 education and lifelong learning experts and policy makers. In order to guarantee that all voices are heard, Learnovation is now opening the exercise to all interested stakeholders, that have the possibility to rate those statements in terms of importantce and relevance and to comments and refine them.

This will help defining the most important "imperatives for change" for European education and lifeling learning beyond 2010. To participate in the consultation just go to the project site and express your opinions!

Thank you in advance for your time and collaboration. Once the consultation is over, you will receive a Report with the results of the exercise.

7. News from members and partners

Riga Technical University - invites to attend their 15th international conference on creativity. Participation is free of charge, registration is open until early July. Conference papers will be published in the internationally reviewed collection of research papers.

Details can be checked at the "conference" section of the Latvian Teacher Training and Edudcational Managemetn Academy website.

The Open University of Israel - David Pundak, author of one of the finalists for the EDEN Gdansk Conference Best Research Paper Award, calls for participation in a study focusing on how faculty and teachers understand their teaching. The goal of the study is to assess the various approaches adopted by faculty and teachers in different disciplines and the influence of ICT technology on tehair teaching style. It takes ca. 15 minutes to complete the survey.


We wish all of you relaxing summer holiday.
The next EDEN Newsflash will be sent in September.

* * * * *

EDEN Members are kindly encouraged to send relevant brief news for the next issue of the Newsflash.

Please, be kindly reminded that the archive of previous Newsflash issues can be found at the EDEN NAP Members’area, further you have free electronic access to the latest EDEN conference proceedings at the Downloads page.