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EDEN Newsflash Archives

EDEN Newsflash - May 2010

Dear EDEN Member,

1. EDEN Annual Conference - 9-12 June, 2010


What Makes the Impact?

Registration open for a few more days only!

There are only a few days left until the EDEN Annual Conference in Valencia. The detailed conference programme with the schedule of plenary and parallel sessions can be found on the Conference web-site. If you would like to register, please visit the Registration page for information on the process, the fees and on how to benefit from the combined reduced fee that is offering the possibility of becoming member AND participating at the Valencia Annual Conference. To join the event, you can use the Online Registration Form.

For detailed information to reach the Conference Venue, and for useful information for getting there and around in Valencia, please, see the Joining Instructions that can be dowloaded from here.

2. On-line Broadcasting on the EDEN 2010 Annual Conference in Valencia

Those who cannot participate at the EDEN Annual Conference in Valencia, can follow the Speeches of the Plenary Sessions on-line with the support of

Please use the links below to join the sessions (simple login required). The broadcasting should start using any browser.

Plenary Session 1, 9:00-11:00 Thursday, 10 June 2010
Plenary Session 2, 9:00-11:00 Friday, 11 June 2010
Plenary Session 3, 12:45-14:00 Saturday, 12 June 2010

3. Reminder: The new NAP Members Area has been launched on the web!

New utilities, social functions and the personal "EDEN Portfolio" is available for members.

You should have received the access code if you are EDEN NAP member, if not, ask for it at the NAP Helpdesk

At the Valencia Conference in Valencia, the NAP Corner and an EDEN pre-conference session will help members to familiarise with the new tool.


Sixth EDEN Research Workshop

User Generated Content Assessment in Learning:
Enhancing Transparency and Quality of Peer Production

Emerging educational technologies and digital assessment methods

Venue: Budapest University of Technology and Economics

The Call for Papers and First Announcement will be published soon on the EDEN web-site.

5. Fresh Articles in

The newly published article in the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning is:

In case you like this and previous articles at EURODL, feel free to recommend them for reading to your colleagues on your social networking account and use the RSS service of the Journal to be informed as soon as new articles get published. As EURODL has a rolling issue, all submitted articles passing the peer reviews get published instantly.

6. European Commission launches public consultation on future of cultural and creative industries

The European Commission launched an online public consultation aimed at unlocking the full potential of Europe's cultural and creative industries. The consultation is linked to a new Green Paper which highlights the need to improve access to finance, especially for small businesses, as key to enabling the sector to flourish and to contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth.

7. New book to be published: Learning with Online and Mobile Technologies

"Learning with online and mobile technologies. A student survival guide" is to be published this month. Authors Janet Macdonald (The Open University, UK) and Linda Creanor (Glasgow Caledonian University) wrote for students in a wide variety of contexts, whether they are studying at a distance, or on campus. It is based on good practice in effective learning and it shows how a range of technologies can be used to support learning with practical ideas and innovative approaches. The book includes a glossary links to free software and further resources, also available here.

8. Highlights and Readings


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EDEN Network of Academics and Professionals

To read about the benefits and services of the EDEN Membership, visit this link.

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EDEN Members are kindly encouraged to send relevant brief news for the next issue of the Newsflash.

Please, be kindly reminded that the archive of previous Newsflash issues can be found at the EDEN NAP Members’area, further you have free electronic access to the latest EDEN conference proceedings at the Downloads page.