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Address: 28040, Juan del Rosal, 14

City: Madrid


Contact emailinesgj@edu.uned.es

Institution websitewww.uned.es

Own websitehttp://portal.uned.es/portal/page?_pageid=93,706991&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

My EDEN portfolio

Membership type

Conference attendances

EDEN 2014 Annual Conference. E-learning at Work and the Workplace, Zagreb (Croacia), 11-13 june 2014

EDEN 2015 Annual Conference, Barcelona (Spain), 10-12 june 2015

EDEN 2018 Annual Conference, Genova (Italy), 17-20 june 2018

EDEN 2019 Annual Conference, Brujas (Belgium), 16-19 june 2019

Conference presentations

Soeiro, Alfredo; Lőssenko, Jüri; Kucina, Sandra & Gil-Jaurena, Inés. (2014). "Time to assess learning outcomes in e-learning (TALOE): e-assessment practices". Book of abstracts EDEN 2014 Annual Conference. E-learning at Work and the Workplace, Zagreb (Croacia), 11-13 june 2014. P. 74. ISBN 978-963-89559-5-1. 

Gil-Jaurena, Inés; Domínguez Figaredo, Daniel; Theeraroungchaisri, Anuchai & Yamada, Tsuneo. (2018). "“EdX Insights” Metrics from a Socio-Constructivist Pedagogical Perspective". Exploring the Micro, Meso and Macro. Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network- EDEN 2018 Annual Conference, Genova, 17-20 junio 2018. Pp. 53-60. ISBN 978-615-5511-23-3.

Gil-Jaurena, Inés; Domínguez Figaredo, Daniel; Ballesteros, Belén y Morentin, Javier. (2019). "Validation of the Community of Inquiry Survey (Spanish Version) at UNED Courses". Connecting through Educational Technology. Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network- 28th EDEN 2019 Annual Conference, Brujas, 16-19 junio 2019. Pp. 28-34. ISBN 978-615-5511-27-1.

EDEN Fellowship: EDEN Fellow 2019

Conference Committee member

EDEN 2015 Annual Conference, Barcelona (Spain), 10-12 june 2015

EDEN NAP profile

Position, Work experience

Associate Professor, Researcher

Editor Open Praxis

Education and training, degres, academic qualifications

PhD in Education

Area of expertise and field of interest (general),

Area of expertise and field of interest (education and training), , , , , , ,


HOME (Higher education Online: MOOCs the European way) (2014-16). Coord. Darco Jansen. Ref. 543516-LLP-1-2013-1-NL-KA3-KA3NW Info del proyecto

TALOE (Time to Assess Learning Outcomes in E-learning) (2014-15). Coord. Alfredo Soeiro. Ref. 543097-LLP-1-2013-1-PT-KA3-KA3MP Info del proyecto

Open Educational Innovation & Incubation (OEII) (2010-13). Coord. Darco Jansen. Ref. 510231-LLP-1-2010-1-NL-ERASMUS-EMHE Info del proyecto

USBM: University Strategies and Business Models for Lifelong Learning in Higher Education (2008-10). Coord. George Ubachs. Ref. 142914-LLP-1-2008-1-NL-ERASMUS-EMHE Info del proyecto

Red INTER: Educación intercultural, formación del profesorado y práctica escolar / INTER Network: intercultural education, teacher training and school practice (2008-10). Coords. Teresa Aguado y Patricia Mata. Ref. 230244-CP-1-2006-1-ES-COMENIUS-C3 Info del proyecto

Proyecto INTER-ALFA: Posgrado Euro-Latinoamericano en Educación intercultural (2007-09). Coords. Beatriz Malik y Sergio Téllez. Ref. II-0534-A Info del proyecto


Proyecto INTER: guía práctica para aplicar la educación intercultural en la escuela / INTER Project: a practical guide to implement intercultural education at school (2002-05). Coord. Teresa Aguado. Ref. 106223-CP-1-2002-1-ES-COMENIUS-C21 Info del proyecto

Communication services

My presence on LinkedInhttp://es.linkedin.com/in/inesgiljaurena

My presence on Twitter@inesgj3