Widget gallery

Add widgets to your page

Choose the features you want to add to your page by dragging them from the Widget gallery on the right, to any of the three widget areas below, and position them where you would like them to appear.

To remove a widget drag it back to the Widget gallery.

Profile box

(Fixed position on page)

Right widgets

Event calendar

Left widgets

Middle widgets



Address: R. Escola Politecnica 147, 1269-001

City: Lisbon


Contact emailLina.Morgado@uab.pt

Institution websitewww.uab,pt

Own websitept.linkedin.com/in/linamorgado/

My EDEN portfolio

Membership type

Conference attendances

Barcelona 2006,  Lisbon 2008, Porto 2009, Porto 2012

Conference presentations

Lisbon 2008| EDEN  Conference | New Learning Cultures - How Do We Learn? Where Do We Learn?| Empowering Distance Teachers - Training Teachers to Teach Online.

Porto 2009 | EDEN Open Classroom Conference | The european school 2.0 - Incubating Creativity and the Capacity for Innovation: Open Content, Social Networking Tools and Creative Learning for All| Learning to teach in Second Life.

Porto 2012 | EDEN  Conference | Open Learning Generations - Closing the Gap from “Generation Y” to the Mature Lifelong Learners |

Seniors at a Virtual Open Education University: A Web 2.0 Learning Service for Introducing Seniors for Social Web.

NET-CU : Analysing E-learning Networked Curricula in Europa - the importance of legal aspects and quality assurance aspects.

Communication services

My presence on LinkedInlinkedin.com/in/linamorgado/

My presence on FaceBookhttps://www.facebook.com/lina.morgado

My presence on Twitter@LinaMorgado

My presence on SlideSharehttp://www.slideshare.net/lmorgado


Event calendar