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Address: Limsteinveien 2F

City: Hosle


Contact emailmfpaulsen_AT_gmail.com

Institution websiteCampus.nooa.info

Own websitewww.nooa.no

My EDEN portfolio

Membership type

Conference attendances

Helsinki 2005, Vienna 2006, Barcelona 2006, Naples 2007, Lisbon 2008, Paris 2008, Gdansk 2009, Porto 2009, Valencia 2010, Budapest 2010, Dublin 2011, Athens 2011, Porto 2012

Conference presentations

Gdansk 2009 - EDEN Annual Conference, Keynotes

Budapest 2010 - Quality Issues for Open Educational Resources

Dublin 2011 - Twenty Years of EDEN - Professional Development, Networking and Integration from strategic perspective

EDEN book presence

Tools and Instruments Supporting Cooperative Freedom in Virtual Learning Environments

Eurodl presence

Successful E-learning in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

EC member: 2007-

EC President: 2010-

EC Vice-President: 2009-2010

Eurodl Board Member: yes

Conference Committee member

2009 Gdansk, 2008 Lisbon, 2008 Paris, 2007 Naples

Keynote/invited speaker

2009 Gdansk, 2005 Helsinki

EDEN NAP profile

Education and training, degres, academic qualifications


I'm Doctor of Education from the Pennsylvania State University, Department of Adult Education and Instructional Systems in 1998, and Master of Science in Engineering from the Norwegian Institute of Technology (The University of Trondheim), Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1980.

I was appointed Adjunct Professor, at the Athabasca University, Centre for Distance Education in 1999. In 2003, I was re-appointed Adjunct Professor for a new three year period.

Personal skills (incl. languages) and additional information

Personal skills

Area of expertise and field of interest (education and training), , , ,



Participation in European Projects:

Publications, articles, papers, studies


Communication services

My presence on LinkedInhttp://no.linkedin.com/in/mfpaulsen

My presence on FaceBookhttp://www.facebook.com/mfpaulsen

My presence on Twitterhttp://twitter.com/mfpaulsen

My presence on SlideSharewww.slideshare.net/MortenFP

I share with Nap my favourites (links, wikis, blogs, resources, videos, podcast, etc.)


Group membership




The wire






Event calendar

