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EDEN Newsflash - September, 2007

We trust, you all had relaxing summer holiday. Please, accept our best wishes for an excellent start of the new academic year!

1. real LEARNING in VIRTUAL worlds - EDEN Sixth Open Classroom Conference

The Conference in Stockholm, 24-26 October 2007 aims at offering an opportunity to present, be informed about and join the European dialogue on how families, teachers, experts, authorities and societies at large are experiencing and handling the changes that are leading towards Real Learning in Virtual Worlds.

Key contributions will include presentations addressing the conference main theme from different aspects and sketching future scenarios from the following professionals in the field:

The Registration is now open. There is a reduced fee for EDEN members. This includes conference facilities, lunches and coffee breaks, further the Welcome Cocktail on 24 October and the visit and reception at the famous Stockholm City Hall, the setting where the Nobel Prize Banquet is hosted every year, on the evening of 25 October.

Besides selected papers for presentation in the parallel sessions, the following most interesting workshops will provide opportunity for experts to share their knowledge and experience in the field:

2. President's blog

EDEN President, Alan Tait has opened a blog to share with EDEN members and all visitors to the site more about the ways in which the role of EDEN as the premier professional and practitioners network for distance and e-learning in Europe is developing, and equally to offer the opportunity to learn from the comments and suggestions of readers of the blog about the services and features of EDEN they would like.

3. EDEN welcomes the following new institutional members in the Association:

You can check them at the "Welcoming New Members" link on the EDEN web.

4. EDEN Membership Survey

What do you think about the EDEN services and activities?
What would you advise to improve them?

You are invited to fill in the questionnaire located at the NAP Members' area, which will take less than 10 minutes.

You can use the login: nap-member and the password: napraforgo

We hope to be able to summarize and make available the final results for members based on as many opinions as possible, in September. Please, remind any colleagues who may be interested to contribute, about the availability of the survey.

5. EU E-Learning Conference 2007

The EU E-learning Conference in 2007 will be organised in Lisbon on 15-16 October. Participation is free of charge but participants must register. Registration is still open.

6. Multigrade Education Conference

The Multigrade Education: "Past, Present and Future?" Conference aims to stimulate dialogue with expertise in multigrade teaching and learning and to discuss research, methodologies, technologies and challenges related to multigrade education on local, national and European level.

The conference organisers welcome all educationalists, researchers, practitioners, and policy makers who share an interest in researching, enhancing and supporting multigrade education and wish to improve multigrade education at local and European level. The conference is the closing event of NEMED (NEtwork of Multigrade Education) EU project.

The participation at the conference, to take place on 18 September at the University Politehnica of Bucharest, is free of charge.

7. New Editorial Board in EURODL

The EDEN Executive Committee decided the re-organisation of the EURODL Editorial Board.

It is our pleasure to welcome the new Board members having accepted the invitation to join:

We wish the Board a rewarding and successful job with the electronic journal.

8. We are pleased to announce that the Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Conference, held in Naples, Italy "New Learning 2.0? Emerging digital territories - Developing continuities - New divides" are now accessible in electronic format for members of EDEN. If you would like to receive information about how to access the papers, please send a message from your email address as registered on the eden-members mailing list, with the subject: 'Proceedings download request' to the EDEN Secretariat.

9. Helios Yearly Report 2007

The European Commission supported HELIOS project Yearly Report 2007 is the result of two years of research work coordinated by the HELIOS consortium and involving major EU eLearning actors.

The Report provides useful insights on European and national eLearning policies, innovative practices, outstanding learning technologies, as well as new conceptual tools to better understand the European ICT for lifelong learning debate. You are invited to check further details about the Report and order copies from the EDEN Secretariat.

10. International Distance Education Academic Seminar, Beijing

The Open University UK will be co-hosting an International Academic Seminar on Distance Education in Beijing from 24-26 October where the international audience, outside China is invited.

The event will bring together leading thinkers in this field from all over the world. Delegates attending from Europe would have the opportunity meet members of the Chinese Ministry of Education and academics from China's growing network of distance teaching universities and organisations. As only 50 participants will be accepted from overseas at this conference, it would be a unique opportunity to contribute to shaping this growing sector of China's economy and cultural life. The registration fee os US$ 350.00

If you would like to take part, please register your provisional interest by e-mail to v.h.amos@open.ac.uk who will be providing further details.

11. UOC International Seminar on web 2.0 tools

EDEN Institutional member, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya UNESCO Chair in e-Learning organises its IV International Seminar on Web 2.0 and Education, 17-19 October in Barcelona.

The seminar will tackle the challenges that higher education institutions face as a result of the creation, introduction, use and dissemination of web 2.0 tools. The debate and reflection will concentrate on analysing the main challenges, benefits and drawbacks of these tools from the pedagogical point of view, so making it possible to obtain a global, integrated vision of all elements.

12. EduContact test year

EDEN Institutional member, CNED invites European universities to join the EU project EduContact test year and enter a selection of their online courses in its catalogue at a special rate during the period of October 2007 till October 2008.

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EDEN Members are kindly encouraged to send relevant brief news for the next issue of the Newsflash.