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EDEN Newsflash Archives

EDEN Newsflash - October 2010

Dear EDEN Member,

EDEN Annual Conference, 2011, Dublin

In the 20th Anniversary Year of EDEN, the next Annual Conference will take place in Dublin, at the University College of Dublin. The event is organised in co-operaton with IADT - Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art and Design.

Learning and sustainability
Changing Ecosystems of Innovation and Knowledge

Please, mark the dates 19-22 June, 2011 in your diary, not to miss this important conference.

2. Sixth EDEN Research Workshop

24-27 October, Budapest

User Generated Content Assessment in Learning:
Enhancing Transparency and Quality of Peer Production

Morten F. Paulsen, President of EDEN and
Don Olcott Jr., EDEN Fellow

The SHARE workshop

The Sixth EDEN Research Workshop was again a great success. The excellent keynotes highlighted challenges and promises of technology enhanced learning with focus on the user generated content and the online assessment.

Keynote speeches are available on the Conference website.

Presented papers will be available for EDEN members during the coming weeks.

3. New Members

EDEN welcomes the following new institutions having joined the Association since June 2010:

We are pleased to announce the reciprocal membership agreement signed with ORION - the Association of the Universities in Latin-America.

You can check their profile at the "Welcoming New Members" link on the EDEN web.

4. The re-newed NAP Members' Area

The new NAP members' area welcomes all the members to visit, explore and enjoy the tools and services it offers. Comments on the EDEN Research Workshop in Budapest of the EDEN Executive Committee members can be read among the newest blog entries, while members are invited to have their own discussion about the event with sharing their ideas, thoughts, podcasts, videocasts, etc. Besides the previous issues of newsflashes, the minutes of this year's EDEN Annual General Meeting is also available on the platform.

Would you have any questions in connection with the use of the tools available or in case you have forgotten your individual access details, please, do not hesitate to consult with the NAP Helpdesk.

5. Special Themed Issue Call for Papers:

Fostering Creativity - The Use of Open Educational Resources

Editors: Professor Elsebeth Korsgaard Sorensen, Aarhus University, Denmark;
Professor Grainne Conole, The Open University, UK

Invited contributions are asked for in the following areas for publication in May 2011:

6. Upcoming Conferences' Programme Overviews

Media and Learning Brussels 2010, 25-26 November

How do learners handle video and audio in a meaningful and thoughtful manner to support their learning? How do media repositories complement existing teaching and learning materials effectively? How do young people learn by creating their own media and how can ICT enhance the teaching and learning process? Find out what your peers and experts answer on these questions at the Media and Learning Conference in Brussels. Programme downloadable as pdf

Online Educa Berlin 2010 - Learning for All, 1-3 December

This year's conference dig deep into 4 themes that form the pillars of innovation: Learning Content, Learning About Learning, Learning Ecosystems and Learning Environments, which will contribute to successful learning outcomes in the three learning domains: Institutional Learning, Workplace Learning and Lifelong Learning. Programme available online

7. Highlights and Readings


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EDEN Network of Academics and Professionals

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EDEN Members are kindly encouraged to send relevant brief news for the next issue of the Newsflash.

Please, be kindly reminded that the archive of previous Newsflash issues can be found at the EDEN NAP Members’area, further you have free electronic access to the latest EDEN conference proceedings at the Downloads page.